Through the years that have passed, to the ones in our future, it is always a wounder as the beginning of the new year approaches. A wonder about what adventures to aim for, what goals to set and what new knowledge should be gained. A mystery of what awaits us to behold as the days pass, through the seasons and time. A time when the previous year’s goals that were set are reflected upon, were they achieved, do they still relate with our drive or should new goals be set.
With each year there has been a great lesson that I remind myself of every day. A lesson that propels the motion of the day in the direction of the set goals that are in place. The motion of this lesson moves you through the tough times, keeping you moving in the direction of the final goal. Remembering the lesson that keeps you in the positive motion of ‘progress not perfection’.

Progress not perfection allows you to begin. It allows you to move forward towards your goals, your destination, one step at a time without the constant self-pressure of perfection. Starting with progress sets you up for growth that allows you to learn and become closer to the end destination. Without progress, without that first step or self-challenge in the direction of your choice, it could leave you forever wondering about your destination.

Progress is not always easy and there is no guide laid out as your manual to life that fits your excite circumstances, Progress is taking that first step out into the unknown or unperfected. It is believing in yourself that your dreams are reachable, and you too will get there. It is standing back up if you find yourself falling, it is to keep moving forward no matter what storm hits you, to be always moving forward instead of standing still. I don’t believe there is ever going to be the perfect perfection with everything.
As we reflect on the previous years, prepare for the current year, and look forward to our future years, we remember the progress and people in our lives that have strengthened us, taught us, and shared their precious time embracing the life and achievements made. Some of those precious soles now live with us deep in our hearts and memories. I hold those soles dear to my heart to encourage me to keep moving forward, to embrace the time we have, to make a difference as they have made a difference in our lives. Allowing the positive memories to empower the courage to step out and start. Set your dreams and destinations high, embrace the path and start the progress, but most importantly remember the positive and grace that you find on your journey. Moving forward is always the bests way to move through life.
Believing in the power of progress not perfection, we must start.